Relationships are tricky on the best of days. Sometimes you can be in a bad relationship, other times you badly want to just BE IN a relationship.
Be it friendship, looking for love, healing after a loss of a friend, loss of a partner, or deciding if divorce is the right option for you right now. Hypnosis can help you sort through and draw positive answers to you.
Hypnosis can also help you through the rough patches, decrease stress in a relationship, and sometimes the toughest part. When you realize a relationship is no longer right for you - or healthy for you - and you want to address it and move on, hypnosis can help immensely.
"I decided to take my 7 year old daughter to see Darlene as she was having some emotional distress over her father and I separating. Though it had been 3 years since we had separated, she was still having several moments where she did not feel good in her heart, so she described. After a couple of sessions with Darlene, I noticed a subtle shift in her emotional demeanor. She appeared to be lighter and more carefree and the "bad" feelings in her heart became less and less present and when they did surface at the odd time, she would go in the special place Darlene had created for her during the session. I am very glad and fortunate to have had Darlene's warm, trustworthy and professional help for my daughter."